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Top 10 LinkedIn Training Institutes in India

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Top 10 LinkedIn Training Institutes in IndiaSocial media is the place where people spend a lot of time surfing through all the new ideas, memes and advertisements. They also use it to network with various people from different industries. Therefore, marketing your product on the various social media platforms will be a beneficial activity. LinkedIn is one such social media platform which is mostly used for business purposes. Top 10 LinkedIn Training Institutions in India – LinkedIn has slowly grown to be one of the most important platforms for B2B companies and marketers. Knowing the strategies of LinkedIn will help companies to establish themselves properly on the platform and get the growth they are aiming for. To properly help you to learn these strategies, we have collected top 10 LinkedIn training institutes in India.

  1. Brandveda in Ahmedabad

Brandveda is the institute which provides the best LinkedIn Course in Ahmedabad. The institute was established in 2014. From then till now, it has grown to be the leading digital marketing training institution in India. The courses they provide are endorsed and validated all around the world. They have affordable prices and hence, they offer numerous courses. The classes they hold are highly interactive and are taken by professionals. They also have professional LinkedIn courses. The students are given a LinkedIn automation tools training which includes LeadFuze, Leadfeeder, ProTop, Dux-Soup, Crystal, By Followers Guide, IFTTT, LeadGrabber Pro, InBoard Pro and LinkedIn Sales Navigator. The students can earn certificates based on their learning of Social media marketing and digital marketing. The institution also promises job placement assistance to its students.

  • Compufield in Mumbai –

They do not have a separate LinkedIn course but, the module is included with social media marketing course. The institute falls under the top LinkedIn training institutes in India. Their main aim is to teach people, empower them, and turn them into dynamic leaders. The LinkedIn module includes topics like creating an impactful profile, learning to use LinkedIn effectively and creation of company page for a business. In addition to that, they also teach you the LinkedIn tools and LinkedIn Ads.

  1. DSIM in Gurgaon

A LinkedIn training certificate is valuable enough to get you a job in any company that you like. One of the top LinkedIn training institutes in India is the DSIM in Gurgaon. This institute provides the best training on the tools and advertisements of LinkedIn. This institute does not have a separate course for LinkedIn. However, it teaches you an intensive module on the platform in their digital marketing course. It is one of the most recognised institutions in the city and, it provides training that is focused on LinkedIn ads. This training will help you in understanding the opportunities for advertisement on the platform. Some of the topics covered here are text ads, PPC versus PPM and better ways of targeting the new audience. This course helps in learning proficient strategies that are required to become B2B leaders.

  • Weltec in Vadodara –

Weltec in Vadodara provides its students with one of the best digital marketing courses in India. The courses here are job oriented and based on practical training. It is extremely helpful for all of the professionals as well as freshers to start in the field of digital marketing. They have some expert mentors and innovative web courses to inspire the students. The course here covers search engine optimisation, social media marketing, search engine marketing, email marketing and Google analytics. The benefits of the LinkedIn course here include a lab manual, students guide, and a USB flash drive. The faculty of this institute has spent a lot of time in the industry and are totally experienced. Apart from that, the students get certificates after the completion of their courses. The batches and timing is made flexible to give the students complete support. There is no different fee for registration or cancellation. Also, there are workshops and seminars held by the experts in the industry. The place has a fabulous infrastructure and also provides assistance in placement.

  • DizitalSquare in Bhubaneswar –

One of the best LinkedIn course in India is provided by the institution called DizitalSquare. It can easily be considered amongst the best LinkedIn training institute in India. It is recommended by IIT Bhubaneswar. The syllabus contains 7 modules and more than 50 sub modules. Some of the things taught here are – Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), blogging and web designing, Search Engine Optimisation (SEM), Affiliate market (like Flipkart and Amazon), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Google Analytics and Adsense and finally, SMS, email and whatsapp marketing. By finishing this course here, you will learn a lot about LinkedIn. They teach the different content strategies to post on LinkedIn. They also teach the various tool required to network on LinkiedIn. Apart from that, you will learn to optimise your profile, create cover banners and set up a business page. In addition, the course also teaches about Instagram, Facebook and more. The institution is much loved and looked upon as it has kept a very high quality of education.

  • Tops Technologies in Rajkot –

Tops Technologies in Rajkot deals with bringing in the industry experts to teach how to work with live client projects, the constantly developing social media communication channels, Google analytics and also search engine optimisation.  This course will help you in getting a grip over the latest technologies in social media marketing while leading you to get reputable jobs in big organisations. The course will help the students to gain practical and industrial knowledge. The social media marketing course in this institution contains a module on LinkedIn training. This makes the students informed about the largest professional social media network. The Tops Technologies have trained more than ten thousand students till now, helping them to get a job of their choice in a company of their choice.

  • iClass in Pondicherry –

The institute called iClass in Pondicherry helps their students in an effective way which enables them to find a job easily based on social media marketing. They provide basic as well as professional courses. The classes here are conducted, both in classrooms and online. The trainers are certified and experts in their own fields. If you want to transfer from classrooms to online classes, there is no additional fee required. Apart from that, the LinkedIn course fee in India is also very affordable. LinkedIn is a part of the module of the course here. These people also teach proper marketing and advertising strategies for Facebook, Instagram, twitter and Google as well.

  • Simply Digital in Delhi –

Simply digital is an institution that provides social media marketing courses in India. It teaches not only marketing for social networks but, also has a completely different course focused only on LinkedIn. The institution has more than 467 million users. The institution was launched in the year 2003 and has grown to be quite a well-known institution. The success of this institution in India is extremely well with more than 35 million users. The module here helps you to understand the difference between individual profiles and companies. It teaches you why marketing via LinkedIn is different and what you need to know to attain the best results in here. You will learn how to properly use the LinkedIn groups and how to increase the ROI.

  • Skills Nurture in Gandhinagar –

With the availability of internet across the world, social media channels have become one of the easiest medium to reach people everywhere. As a result of this, the institute provides courses on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram. Thus, it is important to invest in such a course. Their courses are suitable for students, professionals, business owners and house wives. Skills Nurture in Gandhinagar is one such institute which teaches you everything you need to know about digital and social media marketing. It will teach you in driving more audience to your website. Some of the basic things that this institution includes is identifying the targeted audience, creating your objectives wisely, creating a strategy, to make posts and be regular while sharing them, knowing everything you need to know about the paid and unpaid tools, tracking your competitors, identify the links you want to share, and finally, being sure of the kind of message you want to send to your viewers. These are the things a social media marketing course will teach you. With the help of a LinkedIn training certificate from here, you can easily find a good job somewhere you like.

  • FITA in Chennai –

The last one in the list is the institution called FITA Training. It is located in Chennai. This course teaches you the proper ways of building and implementing marketing strategies on LinkedIn. They focus on a content plan that will be effective on the platform. There are social media marketing professionals here who are experts in their work and thus, they will teach you the best ways of networking on LinkedIn. FITA has effectively planned modules for social media marketing. The industry experts have made this module for the most used social media websites in order to help the freshers. The sessions here are interactive and there are regular brush-ups on what was done in the previous classes.Reasons why LinkedIn Marketing in Important – A few of the reasons why LinkedIn Marketing is important for your business are –

  • For the B2B companies, LinkedIn have constantly proven to be more important that Facebook. Hence, the B2B companies have now prioritised marketing on LinkedIn over Facebook, making it extremely important.  
  • The most popular social media network amongst the employees as well as business owners is LinkedIn. It ranks third in the list of the most used social media networks by business owners. This marks how much LinkedIn is gaining popularity as time goes on, and how most of the people are choosing LinkedIn as their top platform for digital marketing.
  • Linked has established itself as one of the best platforms for the lead generations. A lot of studies have been made and most of them show that LinkedIn referral had the highest and the best visitor to lead rate when compared to the different social networking websites. These numbers are much higher than twitter and Facebook. Even if the number changes, LinkedIn will still remain one such website which generates more and more leads for the businesses which are in the B2B domain.
  • It is an already established fact that LinkedIn is one of the most effective ways of distributing content professionally. LinkedIn is the only social platform where you can establish your brand as a leader in the industry. This network allows you to join multiple groups and network with the key influencers and personalities related to your industry. It will help you in strategically positioning yourself as an influencer in the industry. Thus, you will be able to strengthen your position amongst them.
  • LinkedIn does not only help in creating a strong online presence. It also helps you to enhance your face-to-face relationships.
  • Another helpful fact about LinkedIn is that, it offers increased visibility to your brand. If the page of your company in LinkedIn is well optimised, your visibility will increase a lot and help your company in various ways.

Conclusion – With proper LinkedIn and other social media training, getting a job in the industry will become a lot easier for you. There social media marketing agency in India and digital marketing agencies in India are constantly looking for professionals who are certified. Hence, you should opt for one of the courses and attain mastery in one or two social media platforms.Also, these social media marketing courses in India come at a much affordable cost, making it easy for you to learn them, if necessary. Always choose an institute that offers you a certification.

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Digital Marketing Institute